What is Tooth Enamel and How To Protect It

Tooth enamel is the protective barrier along the outermost portion of the teeth. This shield safeguards the dentin and sensitive inner portion of the teeth from damage. If the enamel is compromised or simply wears away as time progresses, it will cause some discomfort and make the inner portion of the tooth that much more vulnerable. Enamel gradually wears away as you brush your teeth, eat food, consume beverages and generally live life. Here is a look at the best ways to protect your tooth enamel.

Choose Dairy Food

Dairy's bad rap as allegedly unhealthy is unjustified. Dairy is essential for human health as it protects and strengthens the teeth and bones. Consider the fact that chewing cheese ramps up saliva production that washes away debris and reduces built-up acidic residue. Cheese and other dairy products are high in phosphate and calcium that remineralize tooth enamel.

Bypass the Soda

Soda tastes amazing yet it is terrible for your tooth enamel. If you are insistent on drinking soda, consume it through a straw. Limit your consumption and rinse your mouth with water following your indulgence. Do not assume diet soda will be better. Seltzer, diet soda and other fizzy drinks will also cause tooth enamel loss.

Limit Your Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is a threat to tooth enamel. Drink in moderation and you will limit the amount of sugar and acid that wash over your chompers. Furthermore, alcohol is dehydrating and dries out your mouth, making it difficult to generate the saliva necessary to keep your teeth clean.

Watch Your Citrus Consumption

Citrus is certainly helpful for warding off sickness yet it can compromise your oral health. Acidic fruits are dangerous in the context of oral health regardless of whether they are chewed or slurped in liquid form. Acidic juice and pulp will take a toll on your teeth.

This does not mean you have to eliminate all citrus from your diet. Rather, limit your consumption of citrus and rinse it away with water to keep your teeth in optimal shape.

Be Careful When Brushing

Do not exert an abundance of force when brushing your teeth. Your toothbrush should have soft bristles so it does not wear away at the enamel. Go easy, take your time and you will preserve the integrity of your tooth enamel.

Do not Brush Immediately After Eating

Do not exert an abundance of force when brushing your teeth. Your toothbrush should have soft bristles. This way, it does not wear away at the enamel. Go easy and take your time to help preserve the integrity of your tooth enamel.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Sun Valley Dental Care, request an appointment in our El Cajon dental office here: http://sunvalleydentalcare.com. Or call us at (619) 413-1121.

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